Well, You can sense how busy I am this year. This is my 3rd post for this year. And I guess would be the wrap up post. Summarize key things happening to me
MayMy Birthday. Dah lupa hubby bagi apa. As usual, kena mintak baru dapat. Ooo I get a new purse; Bonia. Went around tak jumpa yang berkenan. I need a perfect one because I know I'll be using it till 4-5 yrs down the road. Mesti boleh simpan buku bank, USD yg lebor, and a place for picture.. Hmm. Kali ni siap ada sling, kalau nak keluar lunch tak payak bawak handbag. Pandai tak salesgirl tu bodek. I had to attend many wedding receptions, so decided for family vacation to Kuala Terengganu alang2 pegi kenduri kahwin. The girl tu pun dah pregnant.
JuneWent to US for a week, visit Kak Na in SF. So I did my raya shopping there. All for my sons, and my bathware. Satu beg barang Victoria Secret and Bodyworks.
July - Same old thing...work ..work..work. We bought a second car..MPV.. Kononnya the family is already big..Duhh...baru anak dua. Think about safety, I need have a bigger car. I don't want to risk the kids by putting them on the lap. So the best way is to buy a bigger car.. Just because our nafsu is considerably big too.. We got an Estima. Can you imagine that.. Anak dua jer.. Power door punya pasal..Selepas itu, hidup kami pun sengkek. I tell you I have to catu my lunch pocket money, monthly expense..even my kids stuff being downgraded..at one point I bought "pampers" not drypers..and it's sucks.. Nawfal siap boleh koyak dgn tangan..
AugustYang best cuti Merdeka kot.. Hish tak taula...Time flies.
SeptPosa.. Hubby takde for the past two weeks of ramadhan. He had to go to offfshore.. Me myself making sure that I'll not miss the terawih, surau hujung jalan je.. Takkan tak pegi kot.. Bukak Posa pun ala kadar.. so guesss what I managed to gain my pre-baby weight..
OctRayala... The first Raya was at my in-law's.. 5 days without a maid.. I managed to take care my both babies..Tu agaknya turun berat badan tu kot..Berkat solat dhuha, company announced 8% increment to the employees. So, we basically gotten 16% percent (Me n Hubby). My employment anniversary.. so alhamdulillah naik increment..tak banyak tapi boleh la tolong kurang beban bayar estima. OO lagi satu my kids went to daycare because maid balik holiday for a month. Mencekik daghah punya day care. Nafiz pegi 2 minggu je.. off cuti raya, pastu mak dtg rumah dia nak tinggal dgn opah..Tapi I had tu pay them 1K plus.. Overtime sampai RM90, pastu bagi alasan buku tak bawak..Kalau betulla menipu.. tak berkat business diorang
NovLega sikit..Pastu cari strategy untuk barang dapur.. Selama ni beli kat Rufaqa or know as Ikhwan Global..Mak aii..mahal..Lepas tu selalu buat transaction mistake.. Last week , I persuaded my husband to go pasar besar Seremban.. Save money and many things to buy with cheaper price.