First gandson - Umar Khan..Nov 15 2010..Welcome to the world..Pakcik Nawfal tengah test kenjalan kulit anak sedara baru dia
Cuti April 2010 di Awana Kijal.. First time naik flight
Nawfal yg paling segak of all..
For record, this is how I look at age of 33..
Anak teruna exploring the nature sambil tunggu kerepek bulan puasa
My new hobby..fine dining serving at home... lest cost high satisfaction
My first post in 2011. Tengak dok lepak dgn anak kat family hall atas... syiok... hall bawah tak banyak kotor sbb dah spent most of the time kat atas.. hehe.. hubby bought early birthday present ..LED TV 42". I love you la sayang walaupun org tahu birthday tu sebenarnya utk the whole family.
What major things happenned- Tukar anak masuk Qdees.. kat sini campur bangsa biar dia tahu... MGO sikit.. cultural differences.. Hari tu pegi ramai lak member vision homes hantar kat situ. Hubby suka .. I'm more than happy.. Thank you Allah
- Kenapa bukan Krista - There's nothing wrong with Krista.. but if they do better planning.. tak last minute buat event.. tak kan reveal dissatistaction.. ni kes nak cepat yg mana budak cekap habis harung semua kerja... budak lembap lagi jadi lembap la..Anyway... the main reason I need them to mingle around with other races
- Nawfal cukup happy gi sekolah..naik van..nyanyi lagu choo choo train.. First dah of school dah berani mintak teacher extra meal.."Teacher saya nak lagi".Ha nak tahu badan dia mcm mana? Mangai sehat!!
- Went to Janda baik after trip in Dec.. Enjoying every moments..the following week we went to Penang..Never disappointing us..always have good memories besides the traffic la.. macam dah tak muat nak tanggung pulau tu dgn org masuk.. Thank you Allah
- Trip - First time in Tokyo, Osaka, Beijing, Shanghai... Thank you Allah
- I had a fight with him.. well ...what that's different than the rest..hehe..Anyway lesson learnt jgn take things for granted.. You will lose along the way.. Don't be complacent