Salam - I'm back to work..
2 more weeks bibik is going back home.
Nayla turns 3 month..1st fever after jab on May 28.
Nafiz went for a leadership workship on May 27-29 , at his own school.
Listen to preparation for practical Mama
1. Make Doa
2. Plan ahead
3. Recite Quran
4. List doa list, make it accessible for you to ask doa all the time.
5. Execute and don't be uptight (be flexible)
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Nasuha 4th Birthday
May 18 marked new chapter for Nasuha's life. It's her born day. Some omelan about delivery of my kiddos..
Nafiz - It was on his weekly check up day where the doc decided to put me in ward. Katanya air ketuban dah kurang, ntah betul idok. So masukla after had my lunch. Masa tu mak dah ada kat rumah. 3 hari 2 malam dlm wad, tak jugak keluar. Masuk tenghari, malam sakit sbb dia induce. Pagi esoknya dia pecahkan air ketuban, 10 pagi masuk labor room tak jugak nak keluar. Lastnya doc kata kita potong, the next day 1 am barula keluat the "cool" Nafiz. Tu sebab dia cool ..tak nak in rush.
Nawfal - Member ni tak sabor nak keluar ; 3 minggu awal. Kebetulan hari tu ambik EL because hubby tak dapat gi kerja sbb MC kot. So I pun EL tak larat nak naik bus. Pastu petang dah rasa lain mcm and the pain was in constant timeframe..Memang nak beranak la ni. Ingat nak tunggu je kat rumah. Dah serik dok lama2 kat hosp. Siap pegi pasal malam cari dinner. Tapi by 10/11 pm dah tak tahan..banyak kali purging. So pergi hosp baru 3 cm..3 cm only ? Sakit mcm dah koyak2 kat bawah. The next day pun tak keluar..doc bagi setengah jam. Kalau tak keluar kita kasi potong.. Potong je le memanjang. So end up cut mommy's tummy ... pity mummy.
Nasuha - Yang this time date memang daboom. Close to mommy's birthday. I want her to share the same birth date. Tapi dia nak keluar awal. masa solat isyak tetiba rasa keras perut, sampai terangkat badan tahan sakit. Kebetulan dah ambik advance mc to prepare for the delivery time. Call the hubby which still in KL eating roti naan cheese..Dia sampai pun dah kul 10pm. Mak ada kat rumah dah panik. I said don't panik..I know my record..memang sakit prolong tapi tak kan keluarnya..Memang pun. Kat hosp I got to wait for 3 hours before they send me to OT. This time, consider dah expert, baring pun ikut my own comfort. Baring ngiring, so the doctor bius pun cucuk for the half wake operation while me in ngiring position. Delivery time 1.02 am ..
Nayla - This one is on scheduled..but yang syoknya pagi tu bfast dulu. Patutnya kena puasa..Well ..why on earth tak tahu pasal ni? kena tunggu lagi 12.20pm baru masuk OT, itupun tunggu giliran..dlm 2pm baru doc datang to start the operation. This time rasa lain debornya sebab all prescheduled. So my energy goes to the feeling of debor2. Yang the previous ones were more "I want to get this done and over it". Bus this one since all scheduled, hubby spent more time with me sampai uri anak bibik yang basuhkan..nasib baik dia sempat balik untuk tanamkan uri tu.
Nafiz - It was on his weekly check up day where the doc decided to put me in ward. Katanya air ketuban dah kurang, ntah betul idok. So masukla after had my lunch. Masa tu mak dah ada kat rumah. 3 hari 2 malam dlm wad, tak jugak keluar. Masuk tenghari, malam sakit sbb dia induce. Pagi esoknya dia pecahkan air ketuban, 10 pagi masuk labor room tak jugak nak keluar. Lastnya doc kata kita potong, the next day 1 am barula keluat the "cool" Nafiz. Tu sebab dia cool ..tak nak in rush.
Nawfal - Member ni tak sabor nak keluar ; 3 minggu awal. Kebetulan hari tu ambik EL because hubby tak dapat gi kerja sbb MC kot. So I pun EL tak larat nak naik bus. Pastu petang dah rasa lain mcm and the pain was in constant timeframe..Memang nak beranak la ni. Ingat nak tunggu je kat rumah. Dah serik dok lama2 kat hosp. Siap pegi pasal malam cari dinner. Tapi by 10/11 pm dah tak tahan..banyak kali purging. So pergi hosp baru 3 cm..3 cm only ? Sakit mcm dah koyak2 kat bawah. The next day pun tak keluar..doc bagi setengah jam. Kalau tak keluar kita kasi potong.. Potong je le memanjang. So end up cut mommy's tummy ... pity mummy.
Nasuha - Yang this time date memang daboom. Close to mommy's birthday. I want her to share the same birth date. Tapi dia nak keluar awal. masa solat isyak tetiba rasa keras perut, sampai terangkat badan tahan sakit. Kebetulan dah ambik advance mc to prepare for the delivery time. Call the hubby which still in KL eating roti naan cheese..Dia sampai pun dah kul 10pm. Mak ada kat rumah dah panik. I said don't panik..I know my record..memang sakit prolong tapi tak kan keluarnya..Memang pun. Kat hosp I got to wait for 3 hours before they send me to OT. This time, consider dah expert, baring pun ikut my own comfort. Baring ngiring, so the doctor bius pun cucuk for the half wake operation while me in ngiring position. Delivery time 1.02 am ..
Nayla - This one is on scheduled..but yang syoknya pagi tu bfast dulu. Patutnya kena puasa..Well ..why on earth tak tahu pasal ni? kena tunggu lagi 12.20pm baru masuk OT, itupun tunggu giliran..dlm 2pm baru doc datang to start the operation. This time rasa lain debornya sebab all prescheduled. So my energy goes to the feeling of debor2. Yang the previous ones were more "I want to get this done and over it". Bus this one since all scheduled, hubby spent more time with me sampai uri anak bibik yang basuhkan..nasib baik dia sempat balik untuk tanamkan uri tu.
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Anaks with Opah that always be there welcoming them to dunya |
Monday, May 09, 2016
It's nearing to the end
The maternity cuti almost end...I must compile the life events before it's faded from the memory box. Masa maternity Nasuha tak berapa nak ingat what have I done, how did I went through the routine. What were the things I did with Nafiz Nawfal..rugi betul rasanya..So here are the significant ones which I want it to be remained as good memory during Nayla's time
Cultivate Business Mindset to the kids
- Did small business with kiddo as preparation plan for parents being unemployed due to O&G turmoil
- Jual jajan kat sekolah : Contoz (fast selling), jelly pudding, sour +
Mummy with Bento Set
- Informed bibik that I will do the bekalan for them. Sometimes this small thing means a lot to them. Somestimes the bibik will regularly fry the nugget and sosej to ease their early morning preparation. In fact, with hatred towards the naughtier ones they even get the burnt nugget...
Me as mommy pun ada rasa malas nak buat the bekalan lagi la bibik that has no family relation. Got to do it...must do it..even just bread and spread.
Nasuha keep getting sosej sebab dia kata nasuha suka..And I read the risk of eating processed meat..freak out and insaf la kejap. the first time I did, nasuha tak habis pun bekalan dia. Bagi macam2 kot, from the spagetthi, to hashbrown, to fries...And the bibik will try to make me feel I'm not a good cook. Kena sabaaar banyak2. The first bento set, according to bibikla..nasuha balik kelaparan sbb dia tak suka bekalan...sabar je....tak yah nak tension2.
Quality Chatting Time
Baru tersedar dalam igauan, selama ni cakap dgn anak sambil checking on handphone. Tak really pay attention..macam mana rupa budak ni sekarang, kenapa bertanda kat badan and things like that. So there was one time we were just talking and I share my own experience when I was at their opah handle lucky I am living with opah (fulltime mother). Nampak muka diorang sedih when I just teasing them..opah tak marah bila mak terkencing depan rumah bila balik sekolah ..sbb tak tahan punya pasal..kalau korang mesti dah kena marah dengan bibik..they just silent and look at me..dengan muka "why am I not lucky as you"..sedih ...Baru dapat tahu masa pegi camp, they had session pasal ibu bapa..Abg Fiz nangis, and being nawfal he will make sure his ego stance. The rest cried, and he just had red eye no teardrop...Mak nya yang dengar feel so sayu and i drop few tears...nampak nawfal pun macam nak nangis bila tengok mak dia nangis..tak berani nak pandang muka mak dia...
So I created family "pyjama night" where weekends they sleep together with us.. 6 of us (parents + 4 kids). Plus, I just bought new queen bed double queen bed inside this room. They are happy, and subuh pun tak terlepas including my husband. Dia kena jadi imam to all of us, masa start dulu I asked my kid to become the imam (since depa pun dah sunat and hafal more surah than I am) lama2 hubby pun rasa tak sedap plak dia tidur while kami solat. So it has become a routine. Alhamdulillah
Sedekah jadi Amalan
One thing about mak, she is determined. Walaupun badan dah tak banyak kederat she will fulfill her niat even without others help. So one thing dia buat is make pulut kuning tanda lepas pantang. Hantar kat surau. Kebetulan anak pun dah jadi routine gi surau esp Khamis malam jumaat(free food and yummy). Depa tolong hantar the pulut to surau. Abahnya jarang...jarang..hehehe. So I told them let's make a practice to send foods to surau as sedekah.. This is the checklist I had on OneNote..The miracle is the next morning nak check bank account sbb dah semput mid month sekali duit mcm banyak2 beribu..pesal lak ni.. Cek details rupanya takaful etiqa hantar bonus ($5500). Yep this year I suppose to get the bonus.... nampak tak miracle..Allah nak bagi tang tang tu, and nak tarik pun tang tang tu.
Make a practice to plan your dreams, ibadah and small things
I feel satisfied , meaningful when I jot down a checklist. Selalu checklist ni buat untuk kerja office, so that I feel organized. Tapi sebenarnya checklist ni boleh tolong buat kita focus..kalau tak ke laut la. Lagi la kita yang iman senipis kulit bawang so I did my checklist..
Surah bacaan kena jugak aim, kalau targetless tu yang tak habis2 nak khatam quran..rasanya masa kecik lagi selalu khatam than dah tua ni.. Kejar sana sini tapi ibadah ntah ke mana. This is something yg gets into deeper soul...Allah makbul my doa, atur dengan baik.. 2 boys 2 girls... cantik aturannya. Even I wish very customized doa..nak anak pompuan, cantik alis matanya, bersih kulitnya etc..
Boleh tak Allah bagi semua...kenapa masih sombong dan bongkak dengan nikmat Allah.
First thing I practice is solat awal waktu, tunggu waktu solat...takkan nak buat lagu ni masa gi umrah aje, masa depan masjidilharam..balik negara sendiri dah lupa amalan ni...Lain rasanya..even i plan my day not by time but by the waktu masuk solat..example..I need to finish my cleaning before zuhur..after zuhur I will do something else..I will cook the kuih after I did my asar , so that I wont rush for it..etc. Rasa teratur dan bermaknya hidup ini..Subhanallah
So here are things which I want it to be remembered
Cultivate Business Mindset to the kids
- Did small business with kiddo as preparation plan for parents being unemployed due to O&G turmoil
- Jual jajan kat sekolah : Contoz (fast selling), jelly pudding, sour +
Mummy with Bento Set
- Informed bibik that I will do the bekalan for them. Sometimes this small thing means a lot to them. Somestimes the bibik will regularly fry the nugget and sosej to ease their early morning preparation. In fact, with hatred towards the naughtier ones they even get the burnt nugget...
Me as mommy pun ada rasa malas nak buat the bekalan lagi la bibik that has no family relation. Got to do it...must do it..even just bread and spread.
Nasuha keep getting sosej sebab dia kata nasuha suka..And I read the risk of eating processed meat..freak out and insaf la kejap. the first time I did, nasuha tak habis pun bekalan dia. Bagi macam2 kot, from the spagetthi, to hashbrown, to fries...And the bibik will try to make me feel I'm not a good cook. Kena sabaaar banyak2. The first bento set, according to bibikla..nasuha balik kelaparan sbb dia tak suka bekalan...sabar je....tak yah nak tension2.
Quality Chatting Time
Baru tersedar dalam igauan, selama ni cakap dgn anak sambil checking on handphone. Tak really pay attention..macam mana rupa budak ni sekarang, kenapa bertanda kat badan and things like that. So there was one time we were just talking and I share my own experience when I was at their opah handle lucky I am living with opah (fulltime mother). Nampak muka diorang sedih when I just teasing them..opah tak marah bila mak terkencing depan rumah bila balik sekolah ..sbb tak tahan punya pasal..kalau korang mesti dah kena marah dengan bibik..they just silent and look at me..dengan muka "why am I not lucky as you"..sedih ...Baru dapat tahu masa pegi camp, they had session pasal ibu bapa..Abg Fiz nangis, and being nawfal he will make sure his ego stance. The rest cried, and he just had red eye no teardrop...Mak nya yang dengar feel so sayu and i drop few tears...nampak nawfal pun macam nak nangis bila tengok mak dia nangis..tak berani nak pandang muka mak dia...
So I created family "pyjama night" where weekends they sleep together with us.. 6 of us (parents + 4 kids). Plus, I just bought new queen bed double queen bed inside this room. They are happy, and subuh pun tak terlepas including my husband. Dia kena jadi imam to all of us, masa start dulu I asked my kid to become the imam (since depa pun dah sunat and hafal more surah than I am) lama2 hubby pun rasa tak sedap plak dia tidur while kami solat. So it has become a routine. Alhamdulillah
Sedekah jadi Amalan
One thing about mak, she is determined. Walaupun badan dah tak banyak kederat she will fulfill her niat even without others help. So one thing dia buat is make pulut kuning tanda lepas pantang. Hantar kat surau. Kebetulan anak pun dah jadi routine gi surau esp Khamis malam jumaat(free food and yummy). Depa tolong hantar the pulut to surau. Abahnya jarang...jarang..hehehe. So I told them let's make a practice to send foods to surau as sedekah.. This is the checklist I had on OneNote..The miracle is the next morning nak check bank account sbb dah semput mid month sekali duit mcm banyak2 beribu..pesal lak ni.. Cek details rupanya takaful etiqa hantar bonus ($5500). Yep this year I suppose to get the bonus.... nampak tak miracle..Allah nak bagi tang tang tu, and nak tarik pun tang tang tu.
- Sedekah Surau - Khamis Malam Jumaat
- Bubur lambuk - Apr 14
- Air kordial laici susu - Apr 21
- Apr 28 - lasagna
- May 5 - shorba
Make a practice to plan your dreams, ibadah and small things
I feel satisfied , meaningful when I jot down a checklist. Selalu checklist ni buat untuk kerja office, so that I feel organized. Tapi sebenarnya checklist ni boleh tolong buat kita focus..kalau tak ke laut la. Lagi la kita yang iman senipis kulit bawang so I did my checklist..
Surah bacaan kena jugak aim, kalau targetless tu yang tak habis2 nak khatam quran..rasanya masa kecik lagi selalu khatam than dah tua ni.. Kejar sana sini tapi ibadah ntah ke mana. This is something yg gets into deeper soul...Allah makbul my doa, atur dengan baik.. 2 boys 2 girls... cantik aturannya. Even I wish very customized doa..nak anak pompuan, cantik alis matanya, bersih kulitnya etc..
Boleh tak Allah bagi semua...kenapa masih sombong dan bongkak dengan nikmat Allah.
First thing I practice is solat awal waktu, tunggu waktu solat...takkan nak buat lagu ni masa gi umrah aje, masa depan masjidilharam..balik negara sendiri dah lupa amalan ni...Lain rasanya..even i plan my day not by time but by the waktu masuk solat..example..I need to finish my cleaning before zuhur..after zuhur I will do something else..I will cook the kuih after I did my asar , so that I wont rush for it..etc. Rasa teratur dan bermaknya hidup ini..Subhanallah
So here are things which I want it to be remembered
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First day of sending Nasuha to Kindy - May 2 |
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Quiche using Pratha jenama Kawan |
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First Attempt - Puding Raja |
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Buah Mangga berbuah |
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Jemaah Subuh Prayer part of Pyjama Night Activity |
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Cari Barang Jualan - Early Morning at Mydin S2 |
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Seeing them waiting for school bus..soon they would leave the house for new adventure |
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Nasuha - Daily routine she wanted to do what the abangs do |
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Her smiles melt people's heart |
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Tarikh Viva
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