Taraaah!!! bought a new laptop last month. Remembrance of my last duit kutu for over 5+ yrs in this game. Finally they called it off. Lama tu..since my day saving money for the wedding, sampai beranak pinak.
Kenapa tergerak hati nak tulis. Masa menuju ke daun pintu rumah, tak disangka sangka dengar maid baru marah Nawfal. Menengking dia marahkan si Nawfal. Dengar suara Nawfal macam ketakutan. tengah down tahap gaban. Apa la nasib budak budak kena jaga dgn orang luar..
And for such long years, my husband agreed to stay beside me comforting my sorrow. Kalau tak mana dia suka dgr rintihan sedih bini dia which normally we ended with arguments. Seperti biasa he's such in positive position and I'm being the worst case scenario teller.
But I wont forget this moments of life... another episode of child's journey and my husband's romantic confession..when was his first crush on me. Dia kata "Masa Hariry and me met him at LRT Kelana Jaya'. salah satu taktik best friend dia nak kenenkan kami dua... Masalahnya I don't recall when was that.. Kenapa ambik dia kat LRT KJ pun tak tahu.. but at least I love him more everyday. I LOVE YOU SAYANG.
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