After the congregational solat raya at the small living area we own in the small town of Seremban, it just us primary family. As we are now going through a lockdown, no one allowed to cross the state/country and crowd gathering is not permissible.
Earlier in the morning, we had calming session, nothing to rush upon. We don't have to be ready for the group solat prayer at musolla/mosque. An yet, we enjoyed wearing the new outfits.
Some tears fell discreetly, while the kids were full silence that punctuated every pause. Sitting in the midst of souls sincerely seeking His love and contentment, my heart whispered fervently to be reunited with the day.
The bombastic words and sentences were actually from a book "Nearness to You" written by Nur Fardhilah Wahid. Am trying to improve my writing skills by copying her arrangements of words.
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