Monday, April 22, 2024

 2024 - Vision Board

To accelerate my phd studies, i joined this program called Dr. Rcoket. It's actually community network to support postgrad students to complete their studies,. The founder was from Ipoh Yope @Dr Khairul Nizam (alumni of Izzudin Shah school), orang Manjoi. Hebat orang Manjoi, ramai followers dia. The 1st 3 months mmg tak dapat nak follow sbb busy dengan kerja yg highly demanding. - org kerja siang malam memang takkan sempat nak siapkan homework dlm group ni. So I decided to take unpaid leave, and focus betul2 tips and guidance given by this program. Tiap2 hari mesti hantar WINS/MUST WINS which sometimes I value benda2 mcm ni. Kadang2 kita kena report back our accomplishment to push us to complete the work. So sebabkan trust the process, so I decided to take unpaid leave to get my inner peace to concentrate on completing my remaining chapters for my phd.

Here is the vision Board , that was one of the key takeways in RIC2.


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Weekly Progress - (14.4.2024 – 20.4.2024)

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