Thursday, May 19, 2016

Nasuha 4th Birthday

May 18 marked new chapter for Nasuha's life. It's her born day. Some omelan about delivery of my kiddos..

Nafiz - It was on his weekly check up day where the doc decided to put me in ward. Katanya air ketuban dah kurang, ntah betul idok. So masukla after had my lunch. Masa tu mak dah ada kat rumah. 3 hari 2 malam dlm wad, tak jugak keluar. Masuk tenghari, malam sakit sbb dia induce. Pagi esoknya dia pecahkan air ketuban, 10 pagi masuk labor room tak jugak nak keluar. Lastnya doc kata kita potong, the next day 1 am barula keluat the "cool" Nafiz. Tu sebab dia cool ..tak nak in rush.

Nawfal - Member ni tak sabor nak keluar ; 3 minggu awal. Kebetulan hari tu ambik EL because hubby tak dapat gi kerja sbb MC kot. So I pun EL tak larat nak naik bus. Pastu petang dah rasa lain mcm and the pain was in constant timeframe..Memang nak beranak la ni. Ingat nak tunggu je kat rumah. Dah serik dok lama2 kat hosp. Siap pegi pasal malam cari dinner. Tapi by 10/11 pm dah tak tahan..banyak kali purging. So pergi hosp baru 3 cm..3 cm only ? Sakit mcm dah koyak2 kat bawah. The next day pun tak keluar..doc bagi setengah jam. Kalau tak keluar kita kasi potong.. Potong je le memanjang. So end up cut mommy's tummy ... pity mummy.

Nasuha - Yang this time date memang daboom. Close to mommy's birthday. I want her to share the same birth date. Tapi dia nak keluar awal. masa solat isyak tetiba rasa keras perut, sampai terangkat badan tahan sakit. Kebetulan dah ambik advance mc to prepare for the delivery time. Call the hubby which still in KL eating roti naan cheese..Dia sampai pun dah kul 10pm. Mak ada kat rumah dah panik. I said don't panik..I know my record..memang sakit prolong tapi tak kan keluarnya..Memang pun. Kat hosp I got to wait for 3 hours before they send me to OT. This time, consider dah expert, baring pun ikut my own comfort. Baring ngiring, so the doctor bius pun cucuk for the half wake operation while me in ngiring position. Delivery time 1.02 am ..

Nayla - This one is on scheduled..but yang syoknya pagi tu bfast dulu. Patutnya kena puasa..Well ..why on earth tak tahu pasal ni? kena tunggu lagi 12.20pm baru masuk OT, itupun tunggu giliran..dlm 2pm baru doc datang to start the operation. This time rasa lain debornya sebab all prescheduled. So my energy goes to the feeling of debor2. Yang the previous ones were more "I want to get this done and over it". Bus this one since all scheduled, hubby spent more time with me sampai uri anak bibik yang basuhkan..nasib baik dia sempat balik untuk tanamkan uri tu.

Anaks with Opah that always be there welcoming them to dunya

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